Time is the decisive factor on every construction site. While professionals work under immense pressure, efficiency makes the difference. PLANUM Int. AG sets new standards with groundbreaking construction products that enable faster, more economical, and sustainable building – for maximum productivity and success.
Founded in 2022 in Staad/SG, Switzerland, we have a clear vision: to support construction professionals with power tools that set benchmarks. Our products deliver maximum performance, intuitive operation, and unwavering reliability – even under extreme conditions.
What drives us? The perfect fusion of practical expertise from the construction industry and entrepreneurial innovation. This recipe for success allows us to develop forward-thinking solutions that maximize efficiency, simplify workflows, and give you a decisive competitive edge. In short: tools that revolutionize your work.
Efficiency is the key to success on every construction site.
While professionals work under high pressure, efficiency determines success. PLANUM Int. AG takes it to a new level: With innovative power tools, we create solutions that make building faster, more economical, and more sustainable – for maximum productivity and success.
Our mission: To support construction professionals with power tools that deliver maximum efficiency, significant cost savings, and outstanding results. Since our founding in 2022 in Staad/SG, Switzerland, we have been developing power tools that excel in top performance, intuitive operation, and unwavering reliability – even under extreme conditions.
What drives us? The perfect symbiosis of hands-on construction expertise and entrepreneurial innovation. This unique approach enables us to create pioneering solutions that boost efficiency, optimize workflows, and provide a real competitive advantage.

Simone Caggiula
Der gelernte Bauzeichner und Kundenmaurer setzt sich mit Leidenschaft für Problemlösungen und Verbesserungen von bauseitigen Arbeitsprozessen ein. Mit PLANUM MACH 1 wurde gleich sein erstes Produktpatent ein Designerfolg, ausgezeichnet mit dem „Grossen Förderpreis Startfeld 2022“. 100% positives Feedback von Baufirmen motivieren den Firmengründer zu weiteren Innovationen.
„PLANUM Produkte – von Bau-Profis für Bau-Profis.“

Eugen Stieger
Wie man aus einer innovativen Idee einen internationalen Erfolg macht, hat Co-Founder Eugen Stieger vielfach bewiesen. Der erfahrene Unternehmer gründete mit der Stieger Software AG den führenden Schweizer Automotive-Software-Spezialisten. Mit seiner langjährigen Expertise und Markterfahrung wird Eugen Stieger bei PLANUM Int. AG als CFO für nachhaltiges Wachstum sorgen.
„PLANUM steht für echte Mehrwerte in der Baubranche.“